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    The engine which had leaded the first industry revolution two centuries ago is still the prime mover of the modern industry and society, especially in the transportation and communication fields.  

Automobile market is the largest user of engines due to the total number in worldwide was over 1000 millions in the year 2022 and be increasing with approximately 70 million of new one produced and put into the market per year. So the whole automobile market included aftermarket around the world would annually need more

than 100 million of engines with worth at US $ 300 billions and more.

   Other markets for aviation, marine, railway, generator, refrigerator, compressor, motorcycle, motorboat, farm, tree farm, mine, petroleum industry, engineering, entertainment, sports and military facility would need another 100 million of engines at value of US $ 500 billions each year. If considering with the aftermarket, the total size of annual turnover of the engine industry world wide could be approximately one trillion of US dollars.

   The multi-purpose nature of the Green Engine makes it compatible to all market applications, providing an opportunity for a substantial income potential from a market that is demanding change.

   Green Engine Technologies is currently seeking funds to help development and production of this revolutionary engine.  If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Management to discuss your participation preferences.